
We already talked about Elements in a previous tutorial where we explained that simple Elements, like the Rectangle Element, have a list of attributes that can be set, like a background or border color.
But there are also Elements, as the Image Element, that can display an external asset.

Magnifico manages all the assets in the Assets panel. Here you can load and rename all external assets. This type of assets are supported:

  • Images
  • Sounds
  • Videos
  • Fonts
  • Gradients
  • Animations

The first four assets types (Images, Sounds, Videos and Fonts) are exactly what they are supposed to be and you already know. For all of this assets you have to add an existing file on your computer to the project. The asset can be renamed to find it again easier later.
The common media file formats are supported.

The fifth are color gradients created inside Magnifico. You can create linear and radial grandients, with as many colors stops as you want, using the built-in editor. Gradients can be used as an image replacement, wherever images are used (scene background, buttons, and so on).
The advantage of a Gradient over an Image is that the Gradient is vectorial, so it adapts his size to the container, with very smaller file size.

The sixth, the Animations, is a special type that will be discussed in detail in a dedicated tutorial. Animations are simple images sequences, used for characters and other animated objects.